Save money and reduce your carbon footprint

The optimization of your resources generates savings !
The imperative to take account of economic and environmental issues requires optimization of one’s mobile teams. Adopting an optimization solution helps you make savings galore, and ensures a rapid return on investment.
+ 50%
of team’s
+ 300 €
of savings per
ressource per month
– 25 %
+ 23 %
Calculate your return on investment
Simulate your return on investment
Select the values corresponding to your company and in just 1 click calculate the average savings achieved by using NOMADIA’s optimization solutions: financial savings, greater productivity, lower CO2emissions.
€/month per vehicle
Mileage savings1
€/month €/day
Productivity savings1
€/month €/day
CO2 emissions savings1
kg/month kg/day
Total savings2
€/month €/day
1 Based on 30% lower mileage, 30% higher productivity for each employee by using our solutions, and on 0.11kg of CO2 emitted for each kilometer travelled. Non-contractually binding assumption. The regularly observed average is 30%. Using an average of 30% for the calculation gives you a realistic savings assumption.
2 The total savings are the sum of mileage savings and productivity savings.