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Managing maintenance contracts: how to be efficient?

Optimize your business with effective maintenance contract management! We will guide you to maximize equipment availability, reduce costs, and enhance safety. Topics include: definition, benefits, and strategies for optimal management.

What is maintenance management?

Equipment maintenance is essential for any operation. It ensures their proper functioning and prevents breakdowns.


Maintenance management is a process that involves planning, executing, and controlling the maintenance activities of a system or equipment. It aims to maximize equipment availability and reliability while minimizing costs.

Maintenance management can be divided into three phases:

  • Planning involves defining maintenance goals, identifying equipment to maintain, and establishing a maintenance plan.
  • Execution involves implementing the maintenance plan, performing maintenance interventions, and tracking results.
  • Control involves assessing the effectiveness of maintenance management and making necessary improvements.

gestion maintenance definition

What is a maintenance contract?

A maintenance contract is an agreement between a maintenance service provider and a client. It defines the obligations of both parties regarding the maintenance of a system or equipment.

A maintenance contract can cover a wide range of activities, such as:

  • Preventive maintenance, which aims to prevent breakdowns through regular interventions.
  • Corrective maintenance, which aims to repair breakdowns as they occur.
  • Predictive maintenance, which uses analysis techniques to predict breakdowns and take preventive measures.

What are the benefits of maintenance contract management?

  • Ensure equipment availability

Maintenance contract management allows you to schedule regular interventions to prevent breakdowns and ensure the availability of your equipment. This helps you avoid service interruptions and productivity losses.

  • Reduce maintenance costs

Maintenance contract management enables you to negotiate favorable rates with maintenance service providers. You can also benefit from discounts for multi-year contracts.

  • Improve equipment safety

Maintenance contract management ensures that your equipment is well-maintained and compliant with safety standards. This helps reduce the risk of accidents.

  • Simplify equipment fleet management

Maintenance contract management centralizes all information related to your equipment fleet. This simplifies the management of your contracts, interventions, and spare parts.

avantages gestion maintenance

Key Elements of a Maintenance Management Contract

Here are the key elements to include in a maintenance management contract:

  • Parties Involved

The contract should mention the identities and contact information of both parties involved, i.e., the client and the maintenance service provider.

  • Contract Scope

The contract should specify the scope of the service, which means the type of equipment or systems that will be covered by the service provider.

  • Service Provider’s Obligations

The contract should define the maintenance obligations of the service provider. These obligations may include:

    • Performing preventive and corrective maintenance
    • Supplying spare parts
    • Providing personnel training
    • Managing spare parts inventory


  • Client’s Obligations

The contract should also outline the client’s responsibilities regarding maintenance. These obligations may include:

    • Providing access to equipment
    • Supplying necessary information to the service provider
    • Paying for the services
  • Contract Duration
  • Contract Price
  • Payment Terms
  • Termination Procedures

It’s essential to ensure that the maintenance management contract you sign is tailored to your specific needs and budget.

Strategies for Effective Maintenance Contract Management

  • Define Your Needs

The first step is to clearly define your maintenance requirements. What equipment needs maintenance? What types of maintenance tasks are required, and how often? Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, you can choose the most suitable maintenance contract type.

  • Establish a Maintenance Plan

After defining your needs, you can create a maintenance plan. This plan should specify the maintenance tasks, timelines, and responsible parties. A well-structured maintenance plan will help you organize your tasks and ensure that your equipment is proactively maintained.

  • Choose a Quality Maintenance Service Provider

Selecting a reputable maintenance service provider is crucial for the success of your maintenance contract management. When making your choice, consider factors like the provider’s experience, the competence of their team, the quality of their services, and the warranties they offer.

  • Use Maintenance Management Software

Maintenance management software can help streamline and automate your maintenance contract management process. A good tool will enable you to:

    • Manage your maintenance contracts
    • Track maintenance activities
    • Generate reports

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  • Measure Your Results

It’s essential to measure the outcomes of your maintenance contract management to ensure its effectiveness. You can track the following indicators:

    • Equipment Availability Rate
    • Maintenance Costs
    • Equipment Downtime