Blinds To Go
Blinds To Go, a specialist in the sale and manufacture of blinds, uses Nomadia Field Service to optimize the movement of 450 technicians and designers in the field in the United States and Canada.

Blinds To Go : challenges and the solution brought by Nomadia
Blinds To Go, an American company specializing in the production and sale of custom window treatments. With its high-end positioning, this specialist offers a genuinely bespoke service: a designer visits the customer for an advisory phase and to identify the requirement. In a two-stage process, technicians then take measurements and install the window treatments.
Blinds To Go opted for the Nomadia Field Service scheduling management solution to optimize all its field service agents’ appointment bookings and movements, namely 450 designers and installers in the United States and Canada.
“We are pleased to have entered this partnership with a top vendor in the Field Service Management space. Currently, we are working together to build an integrated solution. Once realized, I’m sure we will enhance our ability to meet and exceed our customer expectations,”
Richard Akos, Senior IT Manager
Nomadia Field Service is a key element to the company’s concierge service. Blinds to Go is eagerly preparing to take advantage of the capabilities and will begin to rollout services later this year. Nomadia Field Service scheduling optimization has advanced capabilities that many other American companies should soon be able to enjoy!