Geomarketing and catchment area

Analyze your data and conduct comprehensive geo-marketing studies with a collaborative, easy-to-use solution tailored to your business. Maps, as true communication tools, help you to make the best decisions, understand your territorial grid, and efficiently develop your network of sales outlets, agencies, sites…

Analyze your data and conduct comprehensive geo-marketing studies with a collaborative, easy-to-use solution tailored to your business. Maps, as true communication tools, help you to make the best decisions, understand your territorial grid, and efficiently develop your network of sales outlets, agencies, sites…

Analyzing your catchment areas : what is it for?

Nomadia Sales & Marketing helps companies study, understand and exploit their sales potential to the full. Developed for network development, sales, marketing and communication professionals, this go-to geo-marketing software combines all the necessary features for the spatial and statistical analysis of geographical, sales and marketing data.

If you want to calculate a catchment area, find the best sites for your stores, carry out a market study, identify your priority prospecting areas, estimate the potential turnover of a future sales outlet, or test a new sales strategy, Nomadia Sales & Marketing is for you!


The main features of Nomadia Sales & Marketing

An all-in-one geo-marketing solution tailored to your business

  • Import formats: XLSX, ODS, KML, MDB, WFS, MNT, SRTM HGT...;
  • Databases: Oracle, SQL Server, PostGreSQL/PostGIS, MySQL...;
  • Web services: Microsoft Bing, IGN Geoportail, Google Street View, OpenStreetMap...
Customer retention files, socio-demographic data, consumer statistics, behavioural databases… Nomadia manages all your sales and marketing data. Update information smoothly and quickly even with important data volumes by dragging and dropping files or linking directly to a database.

  • unitary geocoding, mass geocoding, reverse geocoding;
  • house number, street, district, town level geocoding...;
  • interactive error processing, address standardization;
  • French and foreign nomenclature manager.
Accurately pinpointing an address on a map is a fundamental prerequisite for ensuring the quality and relevance of a geo-marketing study. Be it customers, prospects, stores, agencies, sites or competitors, Nomadia enables you to geocode more than 8 million addresses within 1 hour.

  • statistical analyses: colour gradients, symbols, pie charts…;
  • complex representations: aggregates, heat maps, flow maps...;
  • intelligent display of items, personalization of legends;
  • design and processing of 3D and 4D data.
The cartographic display of business data enables you to identify development potential at a glance and to interpret and optimise possible organisational failings. Nomadia’s many display modes enable the user accurately to evaluate his network’s strengths and weaknesses and to make the best decisions.

  • spatial analysis: buffer zone, equidistant sector, topological and attribute junction, specific grid, coverage curve…;
  • accessibility analysis: isochrone and isodistance zones, distance tables, route calculation, barycenters, search around function…
Analysing one’s customer base, evaluating one’s market coverage or identifying sales outlets that are cannibalising or competing with one another are essential to improve your activities’ performance. Nomadia’s powerful analytical tools help to diagnose one’s sale territory, and to develop and control the implementation of new sales and marketing strategies.

  • improved customer knowledge;
  • calculation of targeting areas;
  • geo-merchandising and tailoring of the offering.
Geography considerably enhances customer knowledge. Nomadia identifies the priority prospecting areas and enables the development of profitable targeting strategies tailored to each customer profile. Knowing one’s customers better also enables you to efficiently tailor the product and servicing offering in the store and in the agency, and increase sales performance.

  • predictive analysis: coverage curve, impact study and simulation;
  • Huff and MCI probabilistic gravitational attraction models;
  • segmentation and customer typologies.
When siting a new sales outlet, you need to analyse customer behaviour, measure competitor influence and estimate sales potential. Nomadia models the activity and the environment, quickly identifies the ideal development areas, measures the potential of a new site location and accurately evaluates the impact of the opening (or the closure) of a store on sites within the existing network.

  • multi-criteria territory management: equidistant sectors, from a pattern of points, affiliation with hubs, combination of surface entities…
  • optimizing constraint-based routes: route plans, customizable road graphs, traffic models…
Market coverage is only optimal if the sale sectors are balanced and field employee movements (salespeople, merchandisers, auditors…) are optimised. Fairly distributing the sales portfolio, defining realistic sales targets, optimising visit routes… : Nomadia helps improve field team productivity.

  • shared cartographic reference table;
  • centralization of data and map-user components;
  • management of users and groups of users;
  • data dissemination by reference table subscription system.
Nomadia provides centralised data management to enable teamwork. Access to data and studies is secured by sophisticated user rights management. Sharing the same workspace with several co-workers, while maintaining each of their studies increases relevance and efficiency.

  • integrated report generator: maps, graphs, tables… ;
  • online publication of maps and studies;
  • creation of geographical applications and web portals;
  • integration of geo-optimisation APIs.
Geo-marketing studies enable you to monitor the main KPIs helping you manage activity. It is easy to share the studies by creating personalised and automated reports. New opening projects, activity in summary reports, sales reporting... Nomadia enables you to send your studies to your managers, your team, to a customer with just one click of the mouse.

Zooming in on catchment areas

Indispensable for launching an activity, siting a new sales outlet or estimating potential turnover, calculating a catchment area enables you accurately to identify the geographical area in which your actual or potential customers are active, or come from. Irrespective of store type, Nomadia Sales & Marketing is the go-to tool for defining your stores’ catchment areas.

Find out more about catchment areas

The different types of catchment area and their uses

Click on the thumbnails below to find out more about each type of area.

Convex area

Defined “as the crow flies” around a sales outlet and comprises all the customers assigned to it.

Isochrone and isodistance area

Represents the areas accessible within a defined time or distance around a sales outlet, an agency, a site, and enable its potential customer base to be measured.

Customer area

Calculated from the customer database and enabled an accurate analysis of where the real customer base comes from.

Target icon

Targeting area

An optimized area for direct marketing activities, in relation to a clearly defined target to be achieved.

Theoretical attraction area

Helps evaluate the attractiveness of sales outlets by taking account of the presence of competitors.

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Nomadia is the leading French publisher of SaaS Smart Mobility solutions, guiding more than 175,000 professionals in the field every day. Our solutions are easy to use and quick to roll out, and they guarantee a significant, immediate return on investment.

Combining the expertise of a software integrator / editor with that of a consulting firm, Nomadia’s teams provide you with customized support, from data consulting to the roll-out of mobile terminals. Moreover, our technical support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Nomadia solutions guide the digital transformation of all types of mobile professionals: traveling sales representatives, delivery drivers, technicians, auditors, healthcare personnel, diagnosticians, service providers, patrolmen, experts, and more.

From small- and medium-sized companies to large corporations, our solutions can be adapted to companies of any size and in any sector.

Each Nomadia solution consists of a ready-to-use SaaS which includes a back office and a mobile business application specially designed for field operations.

Our APIs and their many connectors allow you to integrate our technologies into third-party applications, whether those are custom solutions or market standards.

Our consultant teams can also help you set up a customized solution that is perfectly adapted to your business processes.

Yes! Contact our team to get an evaluation version of the solution of your choice.

As a company committed to the planet, Nomadia naturally asserts a strong CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach. We integrate social, ecological and economic issues into everything we do.

By optimizing the mobility of mobile professionals, our solutions help improve our customers’ productivity, the well-being of their employees, and the impact of their businesses on the environment.

The Nomadia teams are available to answer all your questions: